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25th & 26th Feb 2025

ExCeL, London

Secure Horizons: Revolutionising Retail with Sticky’s Smart Tech

In the vibrant arena of retail, a digital revolution is underway, propelling the industry into a future where innovation and security walk hand in hand. The surge in digital innovation opens up new avenues for customer engagement but also introduces challenges, notably the increase in 'Quishing'—fraudulent QR code scams that can erode the trust businesses have painstakingly built with their customers.

The rise of low-code platforms has been transformative for the retail sector, equipping businesses with the tools to quickly create applications that blend the physical appeal of in-store experiences with the convenience of digital interaction. These platforms have catalysed a collaborative working environment, dismantling the traditional barriers that once separated various retail departments.

Yet, the digital opportunities of today come with the caveat of heightened security risks. As 'Quishing' becomes a significant concern, the industry is called to adopt technological solutions that surpass the standard offerings of typical low-code platforms, particularly regarding security.

Sticky's platform stands distinct in this regard. By marrying low-code development with the advanced security of NFC, Sticky provides a comprehensive solution that ensures rapid customisation and development while prioritising customer safety. NFC technology, unlike QR codes, which are not multi-layered and are prone to scams, offers a secure and reliable medium for customer interactions. This commitment to security is paramount in an era where consumer confidence is as critical as the technology itself.

Consider the transformation of window shopping: what was once a simple display is now an interactive portal, thanks to Sticky's NFC-enabled stickers. These smart stickers convert window displays into secure touchpoints, allowing customers to engage with products and make purchases knowing their data is secure.

The operational and productivity benefits of Sticky's low-code platform are vast, enabling retail teams to build upon legacy systems and create new, innovative solutions. This adaptability is essential as the retail industry continues to evolve, ensuring that businesses can respond to emerging trends and consumer needs with agility.

In-store experiences are also being redefined. Kiosks and sales assistants, once static features, are now dynamic points of service and security, empowered by Sticky's technology to provide both convenience and peace of mind to customers.

The potential impact of 'Quishing' is not to be underestimated. It's imperative for retailers to adopt a technology suite that doesn't compromise on security. Sticky’s commitment to this principle ensures that as retail environments become more digital, they also remain trusted spaces for consumers.

In summary, Sticky's platform is not just another tool in the retail arsenal—it's a catalyst for change, empowering businesses to lead the charge in an industry ripe for innovation. By embracing the challenges of 'Quishing' and prioritising both operational excellence and security, Sticky's solutions are setting a new standard for retail technology, offering a secure, engaging, and future-proof retail experience. With Sticky, the retail future is not just bright; it's secure, connected, and ready for the opportunities of tomorrow.